Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016


Too sad.
The crochet world has lost Spooner.
What a great loss for all of his 
crocheting virtual friends all over the world 
but especially for his family & friends.

May 18, 1946 - January 8, 2016

Spooner David Carter

This world needs more colours badly
& David Carter aka Spooner
did his best to spread colours
all over this planet.

He started his crochet passion in 1952
- only 5 years old
& celebrated the skill
he learned by his grandma all his life.

I just adore his crochet dolls,
I was always joking that he is the only person
I know who crocheted more dolls than me!

(These cuties are available here)
You can read more about his life
in Spooner's own words
& have a look at his unique works
but before you do so
PLEASE read the following words:

Spooner's daughter Mary Wilbur has created
a fundraising page in December.
Actually because he didn't have a health insurance
& couldn't pay the costs for his medical treatment. :-(

Now sadly his family needs the money 
to cover the costs for his funeral.

I don't have much money 
but I've donated some dollars
& if we all do so
we can help Spooner's family
as a last greeting to a man
who won't be forgotten
& will stay in our hearts.

You can make a donation here on gofundme.

Crochet in peace Spooner!
Your friend Dada